Susan Coll

Beach Week

Beach Week

Ah, “beach week”: a time-honored tradition in which the D.C. suburbs’ latest herd of high school grads flocks to Chelsea Beach for seven whole days of debauched celebration. In this dark comedy, ten teenage girls plan an unhinged blowout the likes of which their young lives have never seen. They smuggle vodka in water bottles and horde prescription drugs by the dozen. Meanwhile, their misguided, affluent parents are too busy worrying about legal liabilities to fret over some missing pills or random hookups.

Susan Coll satirizes a new teenage rite of passage, in the process dismantling the lives of families in transition. Beach Week is a hilarious, well-observed look at the end of childhood and the human need to commemorate it—expensively.

Available at:
Politics & ProseBarnes & NobleAmazonBookshop.orgMacMillan


“It might seem odd to describe a novel that involves barfing in cars, stalking boys and a drunk dad playing beer pong in his underpants as heartwarming, but Beach Week author Susan Coll is a master at finding wisdom in the unexpected...the hilarious and witty Beach Week is actually a reminder to parents and children alike to chill.”
“Hysterically funny.”
“She knows the emotional minefield that separates parents and teenagers, a space fraught with conflicting feelings. She also knows the details of upscale suburban life and homes in on the excesses and absurdities...Mayhem ensues, inevitably, or this story wouldn't be as funny as it is.”
The Boston Globe
“A warm and funny family story disguised as a beach read.”
The Miami Herald

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