Susan Coll

Book Review
The Washington Post
Jenny Jackson’s ‘Pineapple Street’ is a Comedy of the 1 Percent

There are the rich and there are the very rich, and while the very rich exhibit varied demographic characteristics, the family at the center of Jenny Jackson’s sparkling debut novel, “Pineapple Street,” is of a highly specific sort: the pedigreed, never-touch-the-trust-fund-principal, tennis-playing, old-money-Brooklyn WASP.

This is not your bubbie’s Brooklyn, not your hipster Brooklyn, not your hour-long-bus-ride-from-JFK-and-crash-on-your-third-cousin’s-sofa Brooklyn. The Stockton family — large-scale real estate investors — live in the historically preserved, quaint, leafy “fruit streets” section of Brooklyn Heights: “Three little blocks of Pineapple, Orange and Cranberry streets situated on the bluff over the waterfront.”

Read the full article at The Washington Post

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